
Handling diverse products with complete care

C3 offers security, safety, scale and product tracking accuracy.  Providing you access to covered, secure warehousing and storage facilities for break-bulk cargo, steel products, forestry products and more.

We operate large, well-established warehousing with facilities in common user sheds and customer leased warehouses where consolidation and de-consolidation services are performed.

C3 Warehousing

  • Design services: Our knowledge of export warehousing is second to none.  We are experienced in ensuring the design of your warehouse provides you with optimum functionality.
  • Compliance: Approved by the Ministry for Primary Industries to maintain Product Security, activities associated with the use of the certification mark for wood packaging, printing and management of supporting documentation for Phytosanitary Certificates
  • Compliance: We have several sites approved by Ministry for Primary Industries as Transitional Facilities
  • Flexibility: We offer a range of services over a number of facilities and products, and have the ability to scale up and down utilising the synergies with our wider operations.
  • Damage free: Our warehousing staff are dedicated professionals who know how to maximise warehouse capacity without causing damage to your products.  Our market leading quality assurance app will help you minimise your exposure to claims through your supply chain.
  • Tracking accuracy: our information management systems efficiently and accurately track your products every step of the way.

We’re ready to work with you to develop the best warehousing and storage solution for your needs.  Contact us today.